The philosophy underpinning the basic understanding in the of the IYM Council in relation to the economic trajectory of the municipality. Based on this understanding, the economic development vision and strategic intent of the District are determined as follows:

  • Maximise the economic value and job creation potential of the municipality through a focus on the strengthening of the comparative advantages of priority sectors and creating a distinctive competitive advantage in the timber and livestock production and processing sectors.
  • Maximise the economic value and job creation potential of the District through a focus on the strengthening of the comparative advantages of priority sectors and creating a distinctive competitive edge.
LED Portfolio Head - Cllr. V Matomela

Local Economic Development (LED) is an approach towards economic development which allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in a local municipal area.


Growing rural economy

Leader in rural tourism

Economic Planning

The unit amongst others is responsible for the following key activities:

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  • Capacity building of existing SMME’s,
  • Monitoring of existing projects,
  • Business development,
  • Business retention,
  • Investment planning, and
  • Formation of cooperatives
  • Poverty alleviation,
  • Promotion and development of cooperatives
  • Promotion of local tourism,
  • Development of local SMME’s,
  • Development of accommodation sector,
  • Participate in national and international conferences, and ]
  • Heritage Development.

The philosophy underpinning the basic understanding in the of the IYM Council in relation to the economic trajectory of the municipality. Based on this understanding, the economic development vision and strategic intent of the District are determined as follows:

  • Maximise the economic value and job creation potential of the municipality through a focus on the strengthening of the comparative advantages of priority sectors and creating a distinctive competitive advantage in the timber and livestock production and processing sectors.
  • Maximise the economic value and job creation potential of the District through a focus on the strengthening of the comparative advantages of priority sectors and creating a distinctive competitive edge.
LED Portfolio Head - Cllr. V Matomela

Local Economic Development (LED) is an approach towards economic development which allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in a local municipal area.


Growing rural economy

Leader in rural tourism

Economic Planning

The unit amongst others is responsible for the following key activities:

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  • Capacity building of existing SMME’s,
  • Monitoring of existing projects,
  • Business development,
  • Business retention,
  • Investment planning, and
  • Formation of cooperatives
  • Poverty alleviation,
  • Promotion and development of cooperatives
  • Promotion of local tourism,
  • Development of local SMME’s,
  • Development of accommodation sector,
  • Participate in national and international conferences, and ]
  • Heritage Development.