The Community Services ensures that people in their areas have at least the basic services they need. There are a large number of services that are provided.

These services have a direct and immediate effect on the quality of the lives of the people in that community. For example, if the water that is provided is of a poor quality or refuse is not collected regularly, it will contribute to the creation of unhealthy and unsafe living environments. Poor services can also make it difficult to attract business or industry to an area and will limit job opportunities for residents. Basic services needed in rural areas may be different from those that urban communities needs.

Community Services Portfolio Head
- Cllr. N. Mafanya

Municipal Objectives

Key services

Ensuring a healthy community

Maintaining Law and Order

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Objective: To improve compliance levels with road traffic regulations for the reduction of lives lost and injuries sustained from road accidents.

Functions: Traffic law enforcement, traffic control and conducting of escorts.

Objective: To reduce crime for the enhancement of a safe environment for the citizens to stay, business to flourish and attraction of tourists.

Functions: Coordination of social crime preventions initiatives, security of municipal assets, and enforcement of municipal bylaws.

Objective: To reduce the impact of disasters and improve on response time.

Functions: Coordination of disaster reduction initiatives; rescue and recovery; and conducting awareness campaigns

Objective: To improve access to health care services in order to reduce the pandemic of communicable diseases.

Functions: Facilitation of Local Aids Council activities and health mainstreaming.

Objective: To promote sport, arts and culture development in our communities.

Functions: Sport development, arts development and culture promotion.

Objective: To improve literacy levels within the communities.

Functions: Provision of library services, hosting of LIASA events.

Objective: To promote environmental sustainability and curb the nuisance.

Functions: Refuse collection, waste disposal and conducting of waste management education.

Objective: To beautify our towns and surroundings areas; to improve the standards of keeping animals; and to provide decent burial place.

Functions: Grass cutting and removal of excessive vegetation. Impoundment of stray animals. Management of graves.

Objective: To render support to the indigents with the basic services.

Functions: Data collection and capturing. Review of Indigent Register. Provision of free basic support.