Intsika Yethu Municipality is divided into 21 wards and 2 towns, Cofimvaba and Tsomo and 214 villages. The municipality is located within Chris Hani District Municipality and is bounded with municipalities such as Sakhisizwe, Amahlathi, Mquma, Emalahleni, Emalahleni, Enoch Mgijima and Mbashe. Cofimvaba and Tsomo are the main towns of the municipality. The majority of the municipality are inhabitants that reside in the rural villages situated in the scattered lands of the area. The municipality prides its self with the best agriculture resource in the country, with no less than three irrigations schemes: Ncora, Qamata, and Bilatye. The R61 runs through Intsika Yethu Municipality linking the municipality with other O.R. Tambo and Amathole District Municipalities.
City Mayor
Mayor - Cllr. K Mdleleni
Council Speaker - Cllr. Yanga Zicina
Chief Whip - Cllr. N Ntsaluba
Number of towns
Municipal wards
People live in the municipality
Kilometers region covers
According to Census 2011, Intsika Yethu Municipality has a total 68797 female, 76575 males and estimated population 145 372 residing in Intsika Yethu Municipality. The municipality has a higher population of males than female population. The municipality is predominantly rural, living in small villages which is around 87% of people in the municipality are Xhosa speaking with 99% of African.
Intsika Yethu Municipality is an administrative area in the Chris Hani District of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The municipality is one of six in this district. Intsika Yethu is an isiXhosa name meaning “our pillars”
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